Split players into two teams: red and blue
Select one player of each team as the team's spymaster; the others are field operatives.
Place twenty-five code name cards in a 5×5 rectangular grid on the table.
The cards represent 17 red and blue agents, 1 black assassin and 7 yellow civilians.
Give the spymasters a random map card showing a 5×5 grid of 25 squares of various colors, representing the agents, assassin and civilians. (see point 4)
Teams take turns. On each turn, the team's spymaster gives a one word hint about the words on the respective cards.
Each hint may only consist of one single word and a number. The spymaster gives a hint that is related to as many of the words on his/her own agents' cards as possible. The number tells the field operatives how many words in the grid are related to the word of the clue.
NOTE: At elementary levels or with kids substitute the one word hint with full description as in taboo games. The one word hint is way too challenging for them. And from the experience they love this game, so lets adapt it for them.
Field operatives must make at least one guess per turn, risking a wrong guess and its consequences.
Field operatives make guesses about which code name cards bear words related to the hint and point them out, one at a time.
When a code name card is pointed out, the spymaster covers that card with an appropriate identity card – blue and red agents, yellow civilians, or the assassin card – as indicated on the spymasters' map of the grid.
If the assassin is pointed out, the game ends immediately, and the given team lost.
If an agent of the other team or civilian is pointed out, the turn ends immediately, and the other team takes turn.
The game ends when all of one team's agents are identified.

Trinity 8 Vocabulary
Intermediate stage of Trinity GESEs exams, vocabulary is based on conversation phase topic: Society and living standards, Personal values an ideals, The world of work, Unexplained phenomena and events, National environmental concerns, Public figures past and present
Trinity 8
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